FEC Complaint filed against MoveOn.org and New York Times
James "Uncle Jimbo" Hanson of Blackfive has filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission concerning the repugnant MoveOn.org "General Betray Us" full page political ad in the New York Times. The Times charged MoveOn $65,000 for the ad, but a reporter who called the Times inquiring about a full page ad in a Monday paper was quoted a rate card price of $181,692. The complaint asserts that the difference between the full price and the price charged should be declared as a political contribution by the New York Times. I agree. If such a large political contribution is illegal, then so be it. Let the cards fall where they may and let the Times pay the price.
Technorati Tags: New York Times, MoveOn, FEC, Counterjihad, Crime and Punishment, Politics, Media Bias, United States
Technorati Tags: New York Times, MoveOn, FEC, Counterjihad, Crime and Punishment, Politics, Media Bias, United States
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