Wolf Pangloss's Fish Taco Stand

"But, reverend father," said Candide, "there is horrible evil in this world."

"What signifies it," said the Dervish, "whether there be evil or good? When his highness sends a ship to Egypt, does he trouble his head whether the mice on board are at their ease or not?"

"What, then, must we do?" said Pangloss.

"Hold your tongue," answered the Dervish.

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Location: Edge City, Titan

12 September 2008

Bully Obama?

Nedra Pickler reports for the AP on Obama's new disco ball and leisure suit ad against McCain that includes this text:
"He admits he still doesn't know how to use a computer, can't send an e-mail..."

She goes on to cheerlead for the Obama campaign in the rest of the article because, like most of the media and the AP drones in particular, she is a cheerleader for Barry and operation "hopechange." [Breitbart]


But she left out something. Jonah Goldberg writes in NRO:
The reason he doesn't send email is that he can't use a keyboard because of the relentless beatings he received from the Viet Cong in service to our country. From the Boston Globe (March 4, 2000):

McCain gets emotional at the mention of military families needing food stamps or veterans lacking health care. The outrage comes from inside: McCain's severe war injuries prevent him from combing his hair, typing on a keyboard, or tying his shoes. Friends marvel at McCain's encyclopedic knowledge of sports. He's an avid fan - Ted Williams is his hero - but he can't raise his arm above his shoulder to throw a baseball.

In a similar vein I guess it's an outrage that the blind governor of New York David Patterson doesn't know how to drive a car.

Not only that, but as Goldberg also notes, McCain is surprisingly web-savvy. So the ad is false on its face, making Obama a flat-out liar. Again.

Hey Obama. Kick the cripple and tell lies about him.

If it doesn't make your blood boil you don't have a heart.

Maybe next he will mock Trig Palin for having an extra chromosome. That'd be about the speed of this ad.


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Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits.

                Matthew 7:15-16